The scientific and research activities of the faculty's staff and its students are focused on a wide field of legal sciences and related disciplines. The findings are published in numerous professional monographs, articles in scientific journals, or presented at scientific conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The faculty, in cooperation with Wolters Kluwer Czech Republic, publishes the peer-reviewed journal "Právnické listy" and the periodical "Acta historico-iuridica Pilsnensia." It organizes several international conferences, the most traditional of which are the conferences "State and Law Over Time," "Metamorphoses of Law in Central Europe," the "Hope of Legal Science" conference intended mainly for doctoral students, and the "History of Advocacy" conference organized in cooperation with the Czech Bar Association. Recently, faculty members actively participated in the first renewed Scientific Congress of Czech Lawyers. Students of both master's and doctoral programs are also involved in the faculty's scientific activities. The faculty collaborates with numerous domestic and foreign universities and is open to scientific cooperation, especially with public institutions.