About the department (KTR)
Criminal law is a branch of public law, where the teaching of this subject is one of the key fields at law faculties. The relationship between the state and its bodies on the one hand and other persons (especially citizens) on the other dominates here. The department provides not only the teaching of criminal law itself, but also related fields that are either directly based on the doctrine of criminal law or are closely related to this field of law.
Criminal law is covered by 4-semester classes, completed by credits, an exam, and a state final exam. In lectures and seminars, teachers focus not only on theoretical questions, but also on practice and practical examples. Another compulsory subject is criminology, which is compulsory for every student at the Faculty of Law in Pilsen. Other compulsory optional subjects are Forensic Medicine, Moral, violent and drug crime, Decision-making in criminal law and Aviation law (also focused on air accidents).
Teaching is provided in the form of lectures and seminars, where teaching is provided by authorities in the field, e.g. former constitutional judge, practitioners (lawyers or judges), state employees and academic staff.
The department tries to prepare students for future legal practice from a criminal law point of view, with the help of presentations, appropriate publications, and practical demonstrations. Last but not least, the department is in great demand for writing final theses as well as rigorous theses. The department prepares and implements or participates in the provision of conferences, seminars, as well as student scientific professional activities.